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Business Education and Training
You need 5 parts of every business and here is the reason why...
Robert Nuli
Entrepreneur. M.S. In Computer Science. Spend at Least 3 Hours a Day Learning #Knowledge. Fast Growing Social Networks.
Business Structure
Free Online Business Education and Training
Business Plan
Team Management
Business Definition
"A business creates X dollars of value and captures Y% of X.  X and Y are independent variables."    Source Video
Best Business Resources
Cost Leadership
Differentiation Leadership
Cost Focus
Differentiation Focus
the personal MBA master the art of business by Josh Kaufman
The End of Competitive Advantage - Rita Gunther McGrath
Grant Cardone
Peter Thiel
Goals of a Business - Why would you start a business?
1. Become financially independent quickly doing simple things. Create low amount of value quickly and capture low % of it. Preferably create passive source of income.
2. Become financially abundant for life. Create high amount of value, quickly or slowly, and capture high % of it.
Startup Education from Zero to One by Peter Thiel
Peter Thiel
Zero to One is vertical improvement. While 1 to n is horizontal improvement.
When you make breakthrough and invent or introduce something new you made a 0 to 1 improvement.
When you improve something already existing you made 1 to n improvement.
Startup Principles
1. It's better to risk boldness than triviality.
2. A bad plan is better than no plan.
3. Competitive markets destroy profits.
4. Sales matters just as much as product.
Perfect Competition - Monopoly
Perfect competition - Monopoly
Businesses are almost always in perfect competition or in monopoly. Example of perfect competition is air industry. And monopoly is google search business with 77% global market share. In perfect competition there is low profit or none. In monopoly profit is large.
Durable Monopoly
Ways to create a durable monopoly:
1. Proprietary technology.
2. Network effects.
3. Economies of scale.
4. Branding.
View of the Future
View of the Future
Power Law
Top 1 or 2 companies make all your money back.
In contrast to bell distribution where middle majority provides all impact, world is often acting by power law, where top 1% is a lot more impactful than rest. 
Power Law
Easy but too common.
Hard but very profitable if you manage to discover or solve one.
Who legally owns a company's equity.
Who actually runs the company on a day-to-day basis.
Who formally governs the company's affairs.
You should avoid external work. Employees are on the bus or off the bus.
Lower the company pays the CEO better it does!
Consultants - Cult
Consultants are external employees and you should avoid that as much as possible.
Your employees should be more like cult.
They should share common values.
Every employee needs to have a strictly distinct tasks.
Best Sale is Hidden
Distribution Methods
Marketing and Sales
Power law of distribution -  1 distribution channel far more powerful.
Viral marketing - every customer brings in at least 1 new customer. Exponential growth. 
Seven Questions Every Business Must Answer
1. The Engineering Question.
Can you create breakthrough technology instead of incremental improvements?

2. The Timing Question.
Is now the right time to start your particular business?

3. The Monopoly Question.
Are you starting with a big share of a small market?

4. The People Question.
Do you have a right team?

5. The Distribution Question.
Do you have a way to not just create but deliver your product?

6. The Durability Question.
Will your market position be defensible 10 and 20 years into the future?

7. The Secret Question.
Have you identified a unique opportunity that others don't see?
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